What May’s New Moon In Taurus Means For Your Zodiac Sign

  • The new moon in Taurus is happening on May 19, 2023.
  • This astrological event may make you wonder if you’ve missed out on certain things.
  • The new moon impacts all zodiac signs, but Taurus and Aquarius will feel it the most.

You do your best to stay on top of things but, ya know, sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan. You forget about that lunch date you made over happy hour a month ago, or you’re late to your bestie’s surprise party because you left the gift at home…it happens! But there’s an astrological event coming up that’ll have you reevaluating any missed opportunities—and whether you actually missed them.

On May 19, 2023, the new moon in Taurus will encourage you to be more aware of what possibilities are coming down the pipeline and the impact they could have on your life, according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta. Just to call it out upfront: This is not a bad thing, per se, but it can be a little eye-opening.

Of course, there’s more to this astrological event than that. Here’s what else your zodiac sign can expect from the new moon in Taurus.

What does the new moon in Taurus mean for your sign?

Quick astronomy recap: The moon goes through different phases each month, and the new moon is when it’s all but invisible from Earth. (Think of a new moon as the opposite of the full moon.)

In astrology, each new moon is synced up with a zodiac sign, giving it a particular vibe. This particular new moon is in the sign of Taurus, and that’s stirring up some unique feelings.

Overall, you’ll get a weird sense of retroactive FOMO. Like, did you miss out on the Coastal Grandma trend, or is there still time to stock up on cream-colored linen before summer hits? What about that great first date you forgot to follow up on a week ago—are you too late to get something off the ground?

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You’ll spend some time looking back and thinking about whether or not you let an opportunity pass you by. Note: This doesn’t necessary mean you’re ~actually~ too late—the thought’s just going to come up.

The time around the new moon won’t all be about deep thinking, though. You’ll also mull over the activities that bring you joy and then…actually do them. Maybe it’s grabbing an iced coffee with your buddies on a random Saturday, or walking barefoot in the grass on a sunny day. The little things in life will give you a serious mental boost.

At the same time, you’ll have a huge sense of hope about the future. Sure, you might have missed out on applying for a job that seemed cool, but there will be other cooler chances around the corner!

The new moon will impact all zodiac signs, but Page says Taurus and Aquarius will feel it the most.

How will the new moon in Taurus impact the rest of your year?

Having a little retroactive FOMO doesn’t exactly feel the best, but it can push you to be more proactive in the future. For starters, maybe you’ll start writing your must-do’s down so you don’t miss out on important opps. But, at the same time, you’ll also learn to give yourself a little grace. You can’t be 100-percent on it all the time—it’s just not possible. And that’s okay!

Not to mention, learning to find happiness in the little things will go a long way toward feeling fulfilled in the long term. As for hope, you can never have too much of it. Dive into the optimism, and use it to propel your life forward.

When is the next new moon?

The next new moon is on June 18, 2023, in the sign of Gemini. During this time, you’ll crave extra spontaneity in your life and will be a bit more open than usual. For now, though, relish the simple joy of walking barefoot in the grass. It’ll feel sooo good.

Headshot of Korin Miller

Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more. She has a master’s degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day.

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