Immunity Booster Drink Mix | Powerful Nutrition

An immune drink mix packed with hydrating electrolytes can benefit your health in many ways. Our immunity booster powdered drink mix is specially formulated to deliver clean, premium ingredients to your body quickly so that you get an immediate immunity boost. Proper hydration is an important element of keeping your immune system strong. All of our hydrating electrolyte drink mixes boost your immunity by hydrating you, but our immune support blend contains blend of vitamins and minerals, including those known for their immune-boosting powers like vitamin C, vitamin B6, and zinc. This is a great drink if you are feeling under the weather or trying to avoid illness.

Hydrating immunity booster drinks are great for anyone looking to stay hydrated. Most of us would benefit from staying more hydrated. Dehydration is more common than you may realize. Activities like working up a sweat during exercise, spending hours in the hot sun, or doing heat-intensive activities like hot yoga can be very dehydrating. Even if you do not engage in any of these activities, getting your recommended daily intake of fluids can be challenging. Caffeinated beverages are not as hydrating as water, so if your fluid intake comes from these beverages, our immunity booster drinks can help.

Hydration impacts more aspects of your health than you may realize. It can affect your mental alertness, power levels, bowel movements, and many other facets of your health. If you are feeling sluggish or “off,” a hydrating immunity booster drink mix might be just what you need to start feeling like your energetic self again.

An immune booster drink mix delivers a number of nourishing vitamins and minerals as well as hydrating electrolytes to boost your immunity, deliver hydration, and speed up your recovery after workouts.

Our powdered immunity booster drink comes in a portable stick pack, so you can hydrate yourself at any time or any place. Unlike other hydration electrolyte drink mixes or sports drinks, we never use sugar, and our mix has three times the electrolytes of leading sports drinks.

Some examples of people who benefit from the fluid-balancing properties of electrolyte drink mixes include:

  • People who are suffering from an illness that has left them dehydrated, including vomiting and diarrhea
  • People who anticipate being in the sun or a hot environment for an extended period
  • People who sweat heavily during exercise
  • People who exercise more than an hour a day
  • Athletes who want to improve their exercise performance
  • People suffering from a hangover
  • People who struggle to drink their daily recommended fluid intake
  • People who get cramps after exercise

Boosts Power & Helps Fight Fatigue

A common symptom of an electrolyte imbalance is fatigue, which is often the result of low magnesium. In fact, dehydration is one of the leading causes of fatigue, so finding ways to improve your hydration is a great place to start if you are experiencing fatigue. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue.

Provides More Hydration Than Water Alone

Both water and electrolyte drinks will hydrate you. Some people are more at risk for dehydration. If you live a lifestyle that puts you at risk for quick losses of minerals – many of us qualify – an electrolyte-enhanced immune booster drink mix is right for you. This can include everyone from people who simply do not like the taste of water to high-performing athletes who need to replenish their bodies after workouts.

Getting adequate protein is also important for your immune system. At Powerful Nutrition we offer a range of protein products and performance supplements and always have a great supply of convenient and healthy high protein snacks.

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